Process and Document
Management for Healthcare


Our Software Solutions


Focused Solutions to Common Challenges

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We love it. The thing I can’t stress enough is: it gives me peace of mind. When I leave at the end of the day, every patient is accounted for. Every patient that doesn’t have an answer today, we will pick it up where we left off tomorrow morning. They don’t get lost. There is no way we could do the volume of work we do now with the number of people we have without Medforce.

— Marilyn Kase, Franciscan Pharmacy & Home Medical DME Supervisor


Case Study

Achieving lean across multiple locations

Committed to the highest levels of customer service, Rice Home Medical CEO Carol Laumer created lean goals to allow maximum focus on patients while instilling confidence that the back office was running as smoothly. In the face of mounting industry requirements and a never-ending stream of fast-approaching deadlines, coordinating across locations was cumbersome and putting reimbursements at risk.

Looking for a solution to ensure business operations were as efficient as possible, she turned to Medforce to straighten out the company’s massive paper problem.


Top Tools to Ensure Compliance

According to the 2017 Healthcare Compliance Benchmark Study, published by SAI Global, “48% [of survey respondents] are using manual or ad-hoc methods to manage claims denials, audits and appeals.”  As margins continue to shrink and resources remain scarce, technology is essential to help vital healthcare service providers do more with less. The right tools enable best practices, improve accuracy, strengthen cash flow, and assure compliance. 

It’s no surprise that according to the same survey, the top line item on budgets are narrowed in on investment in software. But where should that investment go? Learn about six tools that can ease compliance. 


Learn More or Request a Demo.

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