Product Road Map
November 30, 2016
Category: General
Part of our planning process for 2017 includes building a product roadmap that is a combined effort between all departments, led by what we understand to be our customers’ greatest needs. We look at both performance improvements as well as new product development. Our road map helps us to stay on track and make sure that what we design together is meaningful to you.

Our approach to product development is defined by changing industry environment and customer needs.
- Address customer needs, first and foremost
- Enhance core competencies
- Improve user experience
- Stay ahead of competitive pressure
- Maintain ability to pivot quickly
- Ensure ability to propose large projects and implement quickly
Some of the items that we are currently working on are:
- Rolling SignCenter out to the market at large, ensuring we have the features needed to handle multiple use cases.
- CommandCenter – improved grouping and overall performance enhancements
- ContentCenter – improved autofiling results screen and data extraction capabilities
- ZipMit – navigation improvements and adding Home Health Pre-Claim Review submissions
- Web App – adding features, updating navigation and branding, and improving display on mobile devices
- Medforce Apps – bringing new Apps to market, including AR Management, New Hire Management (HR), Intake Management and others
- Reporting and Analytics – Improving visibility and providing actionable data. Expanding list of standardized reports.
- Improving interoperability and adding integrations, including the ones underway with ResMed AirView and Philips Respironics.
If you have any ideas of additional features, functionality or new products you’d like to see developed, please reach out to Ellen Sluder, VP of Marketing, at to get them on our product roadmap.